
Showing posts from March, 2019

[Grand Plastic Surgery] Here is how revision surgery is done for high fold correction

[Grand Plastic Surgery] Tired of your chubby cheeks? This is an amazing transformation Ayu experienced after having face and neck lift, buccal fat removal at Grand:)

[Grand Plastic Surgery] It is time for you to fill in the sunken areas with Grand's fat grafting for more young and voluminous look!

[Grand Plastic Surgery] Guessing what all 4 of these beautiful lades have in common? It's that they have all been through the magical hands of Grand Plastic Surgery's surgeons!

[Grand Plastic Surgery] Look at her beautiful makeover after the surgery. Now it is time for you to create your own story.

[Grand Plastic Surgery] Overly developed protruding brow bone can make your facial image strong and masculine. With Grand's brow bone reduction soften your image and create ideal profile line.