Grand Plastic Surgery: Natural and beautiful result of breast augmentation depend on the choice of implants and incision method

Natural and beautiful result of breast augmentation depend on the choice of implants and incision method

Breast surgeries have more meaning than other procedures in the range of different plastic surgeries. Unlike the eyes and nose surgeries that help you just “to be more beautiful,” it also solves the important problem of finding one’s sexual identity. Women’s breasts are the most critical part of the body that determines beauty, as expressions of confidence and boosts to sex appeal.

Thus, women with smaller sized breasts consider breast augmentation. Recently, there are various methods of breast surgeries such as teardrop method or breast fat grafting method. But the methods vary according to conditions of each patients and carefully choosing the kinds of implants and incision areas for better results.

Breast augmentation can be separated into 2 categories of implants and incision areas. For implants, saline solutions or silicone implants were popular, but as of recent, silicone is rarely used for safety reasons. Recently cohesive gel implants (also called co-gel) are preferred because of its soft touch sensation, natural look, and that post surgery the shape will stay even if the bag surrounding the co-gel is damaged.

Cohesive gel can also be categorized into two types; smooth type and texture type. Smooth type has thin and soft surface, making natural movements. Texture type has rough surface, but carries less problems regarding capsular contracture and requires no massages post surgery. The implants used for teardrop method are usually cohesive gel texture type, where the upper part is flat and the lower part becomes plumper like a teardrop, creating natural look of breasts.

On the other hand, breast augmentation can also be separated into different incision areas. There are armpit incisions, breast crease line incisions, incisions through belly button, and incisions around areola. The most popular methods are the armpit incisions. It is easier to hide the scars in the crease of the armpit and the scars will soon fade away. It is possible to decrease the tissue damage or bleeding during the surgery by using endoscope for better vision of the surgery.

The incisions made on breast crease line make it easier for shaping the breasts and has shorter recovery time, but leaves scars which could put pressure on for women who aren't married yet. As for the belly button incisions, only the saline solution bags are possible for the surgery.

Surgeon of Grand plastic surgery, Yim Young Min, explained that “For satisfactory results for breast surgeries, it is important to consider the patients’ preference and life patterns to choose the best implants and surgical procedures and consulting with a doctor for the best possible method of operation.”

However, the safety of the patients and natural look of the breasts are crucial for breast surgeries. Although the price of the surgery is also an important matter of consideration, it is more important to find a place that specializes in breast surgeries for professional care with shorter recovery time and more natural, satisfactory results.

Korean Business News Co., LTD.

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