[Grand Plastic Surgery] An ideal face that you always dreamed of.

Everyone has their "dream" appearances of themselves. Make those dreams come true with Grand!
Specialists of each field will work as one to bring out the best results just for you. 
Giving you the most natural yet perfect transformation only here at Grand.
✓ Surgery performed by the plastic surgeon, himself
✓ Collaboration works by doctors of each field
✓ Safe surgery with anesthesiologists stand-by
✓ Cutting-edge medical and emergency facilities equipped
✓ CCTV observation for guardians

For online consultation🎀

Tel: (+82) 70-7119-1580
Mobile: (+82) 10-9132-6546 (Whatsapp, Line, Kakaotalk, Viber, iMessage)
Email: grandps.en@gmail.com
Facebook: Grand Plastic Surgery, Korea
Instagram: grandps_eng

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