Grand Plastic Surgery: Laser Vaginoplasty
Grand Plastic Surgery is now operated a vaginoplasty by the obstetrician gynecologist Dr. Choi Jung Ho.
New born laser vaginal reconstruction (NLVR)
The basic principle of laser vaginal reconstruction is to understand a structure of perinea region anatomically. The goal of laser vaginal reconstruction surgery is to make tight, wide and strength muscles that supporting pelvis. If is this operation not performed properly then a patient gets dissatisfy results.
Grand laser vaginal reconstruction surgery is imposed a new technology for seeking bloodless and painless surgery for fast recovery. The vagina pressures examine and analyze before the surgery and electronic treatment for vagina for rejuvenation and Kegel exercise will provide after the surgery.
Bride laser vaginoplasty (BLV)
Bride laser vaginoplasty is for a patient who does not have to reduce a size of vagina diameter. If a patient does not have experience to give a birth by natural childbirth then a size of vagina is not widely open. However, a muscle inside of vagina gets damage if she has a lot of experience of sex or cesarean operation.
Wave amplification (rugae: complete dysfunctional vagina or dead vagina)
A rugae is formed inside of vagina at the young age of women. This rugae is the wrinkles inside of vagina works as adhesive forces with penis to increase sexual pleasure. However, a rugae disappears and flatten time after time. Therefore, the sexual pleasure decreases because of this reason. The operations vary by individual condition such as a fat graft, fillers and etc.
New born laser vaginal reconstruction (NLVR)
The basic principle of laser vaginal reconstruction is to understand a structure of perinea region anatomically. The goal of laser vaginal reconstruction surgery is to make tight, wide and strength muscles that supporting pelvis. If is this operation not performed properly then a patient gets dissatisfy results.
Grand laser vaginal reconstruction surgery is imposed a new technology for seeking bloodless and painless surgery for fast recovery. The vagina pressures examine and analyze before the surgery and electronic treatment for vagina for rejuvenation and Kegel exercise will provide after the surgery.
Bride laser vaginoplasty (BLV)
Bride laser vaginoplasty is for a patient who does not have to reduce a size of vagina diameter. If a patient does not have experience to give a birth by natural childbirth then a size of vagina is not widely open. However, a muscle inside of vagina gets damage if she has a lot of experience of sex or cesarean operation.
Wave amplification (rugae: complete dysfunctional vagina or dead vagina)
A rugae is formed inside of vagina at the young age of women. This rugae is the wrinkles inside of vagina works as adhesive forces with penis to increase sexual pleasure. However, a rugae disappears and flatten time after time. Therefore, the sexual pleasure decreases because of this reason. The operations vary by individual condition such as a fat graft, fillers and etc.
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